ELETSON’s Health, Safety, Security, Quality, Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Policy was established by the Company with commitment from the Top Management to create interest and enthusiasm in all shore based and seagoing personnel to operate managed vessels in a manner that is friendly to the environment and ensures the safety of life and property.
The safety, security and health of all seagoing personnel servicing on board Company’s managed vessels, as well as the protection of the Environment and improvement of Energy performance and efficiency , is one of our Company’s main concerns and considerations. It is, therefore, ensured that our activities are governed by the need to protect the environment, improve the energy and maintain good safety, security and health conditions at work for all our employees, contracted personnel and any other persons who are directly or indirectly linked with our operations and workplace.
It is clearly stipulated that at ELETSON it is ensured that the concept of a safe, secured and pollution free operations is a very important issue and that adopted practices of safe working, determent and environmental protection are implemented by all persons on board all our managed ships. ELETSON is committed to zero spills and zero incidents. It is also ensured that a sense of personal responsibility with respect to safety, security, health, quality, environmental protection and energy improvement and efficiency is being developed amongst all employees.
At ELETSON we believe that proper application of our Health, Safety, Security, Quality, Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Policy can fulfil the Company’s fundamental objective to control and significantly reduce, or if possible, eliminate work related casualties, injuries, sickness and illness. In addition, the implementation of our standards for prevention and conservation of the environment fulfil the Company’s fundamental principle for clean seas and a better environment. Furthermore, the Company targets to improve its Fleet Energy performance and efficiency resulting to the reductions of the Greenhouse gas emissions and other related environmental impacts and energy cost through its systematic management of energy.
ELETSON recognizes the responsibilities stemming from shipping industry’s mandatory requirements and guidelines and is committed to take the appropriate measures to prevent and/or deter and/or mitigate unlawful acts against the Company’s ships which threat the security of personnel and/or cargo and/or ship and to contribute to the security of the port of call.